Dzine Works, Jibroo, , Sultanate Of Oman
Dzine Works
Seller ID: SA1258641242
Registration Date: 30-07-2017 15:52:34
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Interior Designing Company
Established Year: 2000
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Interior Designs
Sub Category: Architecture Design

Dzine Works

DzineWorks is a world class Omani interior design firm and Oman’s only fully fledged professional interior architecture design team dedicated to creative work spaces for niche clients. We are an international grade professional design and fitout firm based in Muscat, Oman since 2000. Our team of international expertise brings a wealth of experiences that guarantees excellence in architecture and design, unique in concept development, professional in execution and of globally recognized values.Our philosophy in design and fit out is to deliver exceptional word class quality within the reasonable cost and time frames expected from us. We have constantly endeavored to achieve a balance of both practical and applicable design science and have successfully completed numerous projects of various scales. Let us be a part of your team and together we will strive to realize the design vision that will become a beacon of excellence.

   Dzine Works

   Post Box 824, Postal Code 114, Jibroo, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24781160



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